New to this Blog Game. . .
. . . But I thought I'd chronicle my journey through the wonderful world of coffee and espresso. Ultimately, this site will be dedicated to espresso and 'Naked Pulls'/espresso porn - but I want to lay the groundwork first.
I've been a coffee drinker for the last 10 or so years. Started with my first real job out of college. . . needed it after all those late nights at the bar with my co-workers/friends. Got me through my day. So I drank a lot of swill that I am almost embarrassed to admit today that I drank. Drank coffee to the point that my doctor advised that I should cut back, well lookie here at the latest article that states drinking coffee is going to save my liver. Whoo-hoo!
So anyhoo, fast forward to a year and a half ago. A lot of my friends advised me that NO coffee is quite like HOME ROASTED coffee - so I took the plunge.
Here are just a few pictures of my first night roasting. . .

This is my set-up on my first night of roasting. You can see the importance of things like a cigar and a glass of beer/wine for a successful night on the back porch.

Just starting to heat up and smellin' REALLY GOOD!

First batch is complete, they turned out MUCH better than expected considering I didn't know what the Hell I was doing.

My trusty helper for the evening, meet Miller B. Miller is a Dudley Yellow Lab and the best buddy a guy could have.

All the batches are complete, one almost found the infamous "3rd Crack", but the rest were perfect and all were much better than anything that can be found at your local grocery.
I've been a coffee drinker for the last 10 or so years. Started with my first real job out of college. . . needed it after all those late nights at the bar with my co-workers/friends. Got me through my day. So I drank a lot of swill that I am almost embarrassed to admit today that I drank. Drank coffee to the point that my doctor advised that I should cut back, well lookie here at the latest article that states drinking coffee is going to save my liver. Whoo-hoo!
So anyhoo, fast forward to a year and a half ago. A lot of my friends advised me that NO coffee is quite like HOME ROASTED coffee - so I took the plunge.
Here are just a few pictures of my first night roasting. . .

This is my set-up on my first night of roasting. You can see the importance of things like a cigar and a glass of beer/wine for a successful night on the back porch.

Just starting to heat up and smellin' REALLY GOOD!

First batch is complete, they turned out MUCH better than expected considering I didn't know what the Hell I was doing.

My trusty helper for the evening, meet Miller B. Miller is a Dudley Yellow Lab and the best buddy a guy could have.

All the batches are complete, one almost found the infamous "3rd Crack", but the rest were perfect and all were much better than anything that can be found at your local grocery.
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